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Hello and welcome!

This website is a blog, also serves as a Curriculum vitae. Lifelong learning is something I am passionate about, I always have the belief of more possibilities opened up when I learn more and everything is useful eventually in some way, I try to encourage myself to learn in a more organised manner and have a place to share some of the findings, so I will also share some basic understanding related but not limited to software, IT, finance, etc. Will also share some books read. The website is for archive purpose as well, ignore the posts if you feel worthless to you, don’t waste your time on them. The purposes of this site summarise as followings:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Books sharing
  • Archive

The following is a rough career introduction on myself:

Career background picture  missing
Career background: Some working experiences throughout the years

Want to learn more? Browse other tabs on this website, hope you could find anything useful.

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