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 ·  ☕ 3 min read  ·  🤖 TED LZY

Git command share and CI/CD introduction

Git introduction

  • Git is a distributed version control concept, comparing with traditional version control like subversion, it has some advantages:
    • Local repository
    • More efficient
    • Better collaboration abilities
    • Non-linearly workflow, continuous integration
  • Git also has some disadvantage from what I think:
    • More steep learning curve
    • Local saved files may be easily lost than keep in centralised server
    • Illegal operation may cause problem for others to collaboration

Git command share

Custom commit template

  • Create a template file
    • ~/.gitmessage.txt

: subject
#describe your question
#describe your solution

  • Setup git configuration
    • $ git config –global commit.template ~/.gitmessage.txt

Amend a Commit

  • Stage all changes and amend

    • $ git commit -a –amend
  • Stage specified changes and commit

    • $ git add/rm/reset -p

    • git commit –amend

  • Note: amended commit has different commit-id

Advanced Git Log

  • Author, committer ma be different

    • after “git cherry-pick”, “git rebase” operation
  • To display committer information

    • $ git log/show –pretty=fuller
  • To reset author information

    • $ git commit –amend –reset-author
  • Related Gerrit access control

    • Forge Author/Committer Identity

List Branch

  • List available branches

    • $ git branch [-r/-a]
  • Local branch files

    • $ tree .git/refs

Sort Branch

  • Sort branch by committer date

    • $ git branch -r –sort committerdate
  • Usage

    • compare local & remote branches (remember git-fetch first to update)
    • compare branches of multiple remote repositories


  • Tag is read-only commit reference

    • .git/refs/tags/
  • Add light-weight tag

    • $git tag [commit]
  • Add annotate/signed tag

    • $ git tag -a/-s [commit]
  • Delete tag

    • local: $ git tag -d
    • remote: $ git put :refs/tags/


  • Add or inspect notes to commits

    • usage: Gerrit review, Jenkins job, personal note
    • .git/refs/notes/
  • Add/remove a note

    • $ git notes [–ref ] add/remove [commit]
      • default note-ref: commits
  • Display commit notes (with commit log)

    • $ git log –show-notes=
  • Git doesn’t fetch remote notes by default

    • $ git fetch origin refs/notes/:refs/notes/
  • Add personal note example

    • git notes add -m “Check this commit later” HEAD
    • git log

Remote Repository

  • Add a remote repository

    • $ git remote add
  • Fetch remote repository

    • $ git fetch
  • Create/Push remote reference

    • $ git push [-f] :
  • Delete remote reference

    • $ git push :

Git for Software Version

  • Git-describe

    • $ git describe
  • Get a sequential number

    • Count commit number
      • $ git rev-list HEAD | wc -l
    • Trap
      • different branches may have same commit numbers
      • need to disable clone-depth in case not complete history

Gerrit introduction

  • Gerrit is a free & web-based team code collaboration tool

  • Major feature

    • central git repositories
    • code review & discuss
    • easy Henkins integration

Gerrit architecture

Gerrit architecture missing
Gerrit Arch: Gerrit architecture

Gerrit user configuration

SSH Configuration

  • Generate ssh rsa key pair for Gerrit git repositories


-Edit .ssh/config to specify user & private key

User Configuration

  • Sign-in Gerrit server through http -> Setting

Gerrit + Jenkins Workflow

  • Jenkins: continuous integrating changes
    • auto build, analysis, test: verify +-1
Gerrit Jenkins missing
Gerrit + Jenkins: Source: Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute

Gerrit Roles definition

Gerrit Roles missing
Gerrit Roles: Commonly used different roles


  • Gerrit - a key component for SDLC
    • for efficient software development
      • central Git repositories with access control
    • for better software quality
      • code review & discuss
      • Jenkins integration (auto test/analysis)
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